Quick Start

Join the "Hitchhiking to AGI" Program

Submit an application to join the first wave of node operators on Fortytwo: Application Form


Please ensure you have received an acceptance confirmation email before attempting to install the node.


System Requirements

Before installing a Fortytwo node, verify that your device meets the following minimum requirements.

Wallet Requirements

During the setup process of the node app, you will be required to enter the seed phrase for the wallet specified in the Node Application form. This wallet will be used to activate the node.


We strongly recommend using a new, empty wallet for the node to ensure security and isolation from other assets.

If you need to activate your node with a different wallet, please contact us on Discord in the #node-support channel.

Each node requires a separate wallet. If you intend to operate multiple nodes, you must use a new wallet with a new seed phrase for each node. Creating a new public address from an existing wallet is not sufficient. To request activation of additional wallets, please reach out in the #node-support channel on Discord.

Installing Fortytwo Node

  1. Open Terminal and run:

    curl -L -o fortytwo-console-app.zip https://github.com/Fortytwo-Network/fortytwo-console-app/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
    unzip fortytwo-console-app.zip
    cd fortytwo-console-app-main
    chmod +x macos.sh && ./macos.sh
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions in the script to complete the setup.

  3. The node will start automatically.

Operating Your Node

The node will remain fully operational until it is terminated by the user or the system restarts. You can minimize the terminal window or switch to other applications – the node will continue running in the background.

Updating Your Node

The Fortytwo node app automatically updates every time it is launched. When you start the node, the app checks for the latest available version and installs any updates before running.

Stopping Your Node

Press Ctrl+C in the terminal window to terminate the node process.

Restarting Fortytwo Node

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Navigate to the directory where the node is installed using the cd command.

  3. Run the following command:

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  5. The node will start automatically.

Help and Support

For any questions or issues, you can access the tech support channel on the official Fortytwo Discord server.

Performance Considerations

Currently, the node app does not support full load balancing. It is recommended to stop the node app (by closing the terminal) before running resource-intensive applications (e.g., 3D games, video editing, or graphics software) to prevent performance issues.

This does not apply to nodes running on dedicated machines, where the node app runs independently without impacting other tasks.

Future versions will include load balancing, allowing nodes to run alongside other resource-intensive applications without noticeable performance impact.